4 Tips voor veilig elektrisch fietsen
4 Tips for safe electric cycling

Is an electric bicycle safe? That's a question we often get. In principle, an electric bicycle is safe. However, because an electric bicycle is heavier and faster than a regular bicycle, the risk of falling is greater. Other road users may also underestimate the speed of e-bikers. In this blog post we give 6 tips for taking a bath with an electric bicycle as safely as possible.

1. Get good advice when purchasing an e-bike

There are quite a few e-bikes on the market. But which electric bicycle suits you best? Get well informed and try out a few e-bikes before making a final choice. Many accidents happen when getting on, getting off and braking. Bicycles with thick tires and a low entry are therefore the safest. Also make sure that the saddle is positioned correctly so that you sit firmly on the bicycle and can reach the ground with your feet. If your feet often slip off the pedals, special anti-slip pedals are a solution. Give yourself time to get used to your new e-bike and first ride a few easy laps. The bicycle mechanic is your best friend and visit him regularly for maintenance.

2. Do not drive too fast with an electric bicycle

It's really nice of course that you can suddenly go so fast, but you are driving at speeds that you are probably not used to. Therefore, do not drive much faster than you normally would. Keep track of what you ride on a normal bicycle and add about 7 kilometers per hour. Another tip: drive on eco mode so you don't get too much support.

3. Drive away under your own power

An electric bicycle can accelerate considerably. It is therefore wise to turn the pedal assistance low or off when you get on. Also put your bike in a low gear when getting on.

4. Wear a helmet

A helmet can prevent serious head injuries in the event of a fall.

5. Cornering is an art

Actually, it's just like driving a car: you shouldn't speed up or slow down in the bend. You can easily fall down on an e-bike, especially if you have a front-wheel motor. Before the bend, keep your legs still and slow down slightly if necessary. Did you know that you also have to keep your brakes pressed when you get off? Otherwise your bike will take off.

6. Pay extra attention to traffic with an e-bike

Always look behind you when overtaking and turning. If you find this difficult, a mirror on the handlebars is recommended. As a precaution, do not crawl all the way to the edge of the road: a verge or curb can cause nasty falls. Better take up some space on the road, you deserve to be seen. Tip: the Cyclists' Union has special e-bike information days where you can learn a lot from the bike specialists. We wish you lots of cycling fun! And don't forget your electric bicycle pump , so you can be sure that you always have a safe tire pressure . Do you want to go on a bike ride in winter? Then also read our blog post with tips for a winter cycling trip with an electric bicycle . Are you curious about how much energy you use on an electric bicycle? You can read this in our article how many calories do you burn with electric cycling . By the way, cycling on an electric bicycle is very healthy. You can read this in the article electric cycling is healthy .

The number 1 tire pump for the electric bicycle

The Donrox Ride F511 is ideal for inflating the tires of your electric bicycle without effort. This compressor fits on different types of valves and stops automatically at the desired air pressure. It is compact, portable and equipped with a pressure gauge and USB rechargeable power bank. You can use it at home, but also on the go. This way you are flexible enough to adjust the air pressure in your tires to the surface you are cycling on.

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