Caravanband oppompen
Inflating a caravan tire? That's how you do that!

Always go through a checklist before you go on holiday with the caravan. Checking the caravan tires should be a high priority. In this blog we explain how to quickly inflate a caravan tire and why good tire pressure is so important.

How do you inflate a caravan tire?
It is important to inflate your caravan tires correctly. But what is the best way to inflate these tires? In the steps below we will tell you how to do this in the best way.

  1. Unscrew the valve cap

    Unscrew the valve cap (if present) and place it in an easy-to-find location.

  2. Connect the hose from your pump to the valve

    Connect the hose from your pump to the valve. With one pump you have to screw on the adapter, with the other you have to press it.

  3. Look at the pressure gauge

    Check the pressure gauge to see how high the voltage is. If the air pressure is too low, you need to inflate the tire.

  4. Disconnect the adapter

    Loosen the adapter and screw the cap back on the valve. Repeat these steps for the other tires – including the spare wheel!

What is the correct pressure for a caravan tire?

The correct tire pressure contributes to the safe road holding of your caravan. This prevents you from swinging the caravan. If your caravan tires have sufficient air pressure, you will use less fuel and prevent unnecessary wear. Too low tire pressure reduces the load capacity. Too much air is detrimental to driving comfort. The correct tire pressure depends on the load capacity at the reference pressure. For C tires this is between 3 and 5 bar, for CP tires 5.5 bar is required. The correct air pressure is stated in the instruction booklet of your caravan. Are you in doubt? Then ask an expert, such as your dealer or a garage owner.

Inflating caravan tires with an electric pump

It is best to inflate a caravan tire with an electric pump. This takes less effort than when you use a bicycle or even foot pump. Do you notice along the way that the tires of your caravan could use some air? Then you can drive to a gas station. However, keep in mind that at some gas stations you have to pay for the air you purchase. In addition, some pumps cannot achieve an air pressure of 5 bar.

Additional tips for your caravan tire

  1. When you put your caravan back in storage after the holiday season, it is advisable to increase the tire pressure by at least 0.5 bar. During the months of standstill, air will naturally flow out of the tires, because they are naturally a bit porous. When you take the caravan out of the stable again, it may still happen that the tires are slightly flattened. Most caravan tires will warm up as you drive and return to their correct shape.
  2. Always check the tread depth of your caravan tires before you go on holiday. By law, you must replace the tires if the tread depth is less than 1.6 mm. Experts recommend doing this when the profile is 2 mm deep.
  3. Also check the tires for damage and cracks. The ANWB recommends having caravan tires periodically checked by an expert after six years. Some insurance companies require that tires be replaced after six years.

An electric pump is also useful for scooter and car tires

With an electric pump you can easily provide all types of tires with the correct air pressure. For example, on our blog page you will find tips on how to inflate the tires of your scooter, car or trailer yourself.