Hoeveel calorieën verbrand je met fietsen?
How many calories do you burn cycling?

Cycling is a good way to lose weight, whether you are a cyclist, mountain biker or recreational cyclist. How many calories you burn while cycling depends, among other things, on your speed, weight and the time you spend on the saddle.

How many calories does a regular cyclist burn?

Whether you cycle to work or take a leisurely trip through nature: you burn calories. This way you are sustainable and healthy at the same time. The table below shows how many calories a regular cyclist weighing 70 kilos uses. When you're lighter, you have less weight to move, so you burn fewer calories. 

Number of km per hour

15 km/h

18 km/h

21 km/h

Calorie consumption

279 kcal

405 kcal

552 kcal

A regular cyclist therefore burns about 405 calories if he cycles for an hour at an average speed of 18 kilometers per hour.

How many calories does a cyclist burn?

Cyclists in the Tour de France burn an average of about 6,000 calories per stage. During a mountain ride this even increases to 9,000 calories: that is 3.5 times more than an average man needs in energy every day. In the overview below you can see how many calories a cyclist weighing 70 kilos consumes.

Number of km per hour

25 km/h

30 km/h

35 km/h

Calorie consumption

809 kcal

941 kcal

1205 kcal

The table shows that a cyclist consumes 1205 kcal at an average speed of 35 kilometers per hour. If he maintains this speed for five hours, he will consume a total of 6025 kcal. Just as much as during an average Tour stage! Of course it makes a difference whether you ride alone or in a group. In any case, cycling is an ideal way to burn energy.

How many calories does a mountain biker burn?

Mountain biking is a different sport than cycling. As a mountain biker you have to change your pace regularly. Moreover, you ride on unpaved paths with thicker tires, so you have more resistance than a cyclist. That is why the calorie consumption in the table below is not based on speed, but on the time your mountain bike ride takes. These figures also apply to someone weighing 70 kilos.

Mountain bike time

15 mins

30 minutes

60 minutes

Calorie consumption

147 kcal

294 kcal

588 kcal

In the table you can read that a mountain biker has burned about 294 calories after half an hour. That is slightly more than a regular cyclist who rides at an average speed of 15 kilometers per hour for an hour.

The calorie consumption that suits your situation

Your calorie consumption does not only depend on your speed, weight and cycling time. Your condition also plays a role: the fitter you are, the more efficiently you use energy. Logically, the environment also plays a role: if you choose a trip through the hills, you will consume more calories than on a flat road. And then there are factors over which you have no influence, such as the weather. After all, with a tailwind you have to put in less effort to move forward than with a strong headwind.

Lose weight with cycling

To lose 1 kilo, you need to burn about 7,000 calories. Does it matter how fast you cycle? Yes. And now the good news: you don't have to cycle at full speed to lose weight! The ideal heart rate for burning fat is between 65% and 75% of your maximum heart rate. As a rule of thumb you can use this calculation formula: 220 minus your age. This allows you to estimate your maximum heart rate. If you are 40 years old, your maximum heart rate is approximately 220 – 40 = 180. To burn fat, your heart rate while cycling must be 180 x 70% = 126 beats per minute.   

Burn belly fat with cycling

You do not lose weight in one day, but spread it over a period of several weeks, for example. Unfortunately, you cannot choose where in your body you burn fat: this happens everywhere, little by little. So patience is a virtue if you want to lose belly fat. Pay close attention to your diet: eat sensibly and enough, so that your body gets the nutrients it needs. But don't eat too much, too fatty or too sweet. Because if you want to lose (belly) fat, you have to consume more calories per day than you take in. 

The correct (tyre) pressure

Cycling does more than burn calories. It is good for your heart, your digestion and your resistance. Moreover, you quickly feel the daily tension slip away during a bike ride through nature. Your bicycle is therefore an important tool to stay physically and mentally healthy. Therefore, make sure your tires are always properly inflated. This makes cycling a lot more pleasant and motivates you to take the bike more often. At Donrox you will find different ones electric bicycle pumps with which you can keep your tires at the correct pressure at home and on the road.

Do you have an electric bicycle and are you wondering how much energy you burn when you cycle on it? Then read our article how many calories do you burn with electric cycling ? We all know that cycling is healthy, but can you cycle too little or too much? We answer that question in the blog post how many kilometers of cycling per day is healthy ?

The number 1 tire pump for bicycles

The Donrox Ride F511 is ideal for inflating the tires of your bicycle without effort. This compressor fits on different types of valves and stops automatically at the desired air pressure. It is compact, portable and equipped with a pressure gauge and USB rechargeable power bank. You can use it at home, but also on the go. This way you are flexible enough to adjust the air pressure in your tires to the surface you are cycling on.

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